IPEN 5150 - Policy Analysis for Technology and Innovation (3 units)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
L01 (6205) 02-SEP-2024 - 06-DEC-2024
Tu 06:00PM - 08:50PM
Rm 147, E1XU, Kewei6044160 

IPEN 5250 - Text Analysis and Machine Learning (3 units)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
L01 (6211) 02-SEP-2024 - 06-DEC-2024
We 01:30PM - 04:20PM
Rm 201, W2XU, Kewei403550 

UCMP 6010 - Cross-disciplinary Research Methods I (2 units)

SectionDate & TimeRoomInstructorQuotaEnrolAvailWaitRemarks
L01 (6004) TBATBACAI, Yi
CUI, Ying
GAN, Zecheng
LI, Lei
LIU, Hao
TAN, Chee Keong
XU, Kewei
ZHANG, Zhuoni
ZHAO, Hang